Jeopardy Game

PowerPoint Template
sound file 1

sound file 2

sound file 3

sound file 4

sound file 5

Directions to Download and Play

  1. Download the PowerPoint template and sound files and place them altogether into one folder. 
  2. Enter “Subject” names and begin entering “Answer” and “Question” for each slide
  3. Begin PowerPoint on Slide #1
  4. Have students form two teams. Have them select a team captain that will be that teams spokesperson to answer the questions for each team.  (You can alternatively call on individual students within each team to answer questions)
  5. Start each team with $3000 (points) and tally ongoing points on white board.  If a team gets the question right they score that number of points.  Wrong, and they are deducted that many points.  Teams continue to answer until they get a question wrong.
  6. When you finish the first Jeopardy game, click the “STAR” at bottom right hand corner to begin Double Jeopardy.
  7. When questions are all answered, click the “STAR” at bottom right hand corner to begin “Final Jeopardy Question”.  Have each team write down their wager and start question.  
  8. Winning team has the most points 

Who Wants to be a Millionaire
PowerPoint Template
sound file 1

sound file 2

sound file 3

sound file 4

Directions to Download and Play

  1. Download the PowerPoint template and sound files and place them altogether into one folder. 
  2. Fill in “Title” on Slide 2 and 3.
  3. Begin filling in Questions and Answers in each of the slides.  The correct answer choice is title “Correct Answer”
  4. Have students form 2 teams.  Have them select a team captain that will be that teams spokesperson to answer the questions. (You can alternatively call on individual students within each team to answer questions)
  5. Remind each team they can use a single “Phone Call” or 50:50 during the game. They can also use a “Team” if you are having students individually answer questions.
  6. The team that answers the last question right (Million dollar question) is the winner (I usually intersperse more difficult questions randomly throughout the game)

Cash Cab
PowerPoint Template
sound file 1

sound file 2

sound file 3

video file 1

video file 2

Directions to Download and Play

  1. Download the PowerPoint template and sound files and place them altogether into one folder. 
  2. Begin entering questions and answers.  For most of the questions, you will have to copy/paste questions and answers for multiple numbered questions (because of strikes, etc., there is more than one slide labeled “Question 3”.  You will need to duplicate the questions and answers on each of them.
  3. Enter in the Red Light Challenge question and answers (Use a question that has multiple answers and ask them to identify most of them….watch the show)
  4. Begin game. Give students a specified time to answer questions.  To check answer, click inside question box and answer will appear.  If right, click green button on the bottom of screen.  If wrong, click red button on bottom.  It will direct you to the correct slide that tallies the number of strikes automatically. 
  5. I usually have the class play as a single team.  They can all earn extra credit.  I offer a couple points of credit to each student if they answer all the questions without getting three strikes.  If they answer the Red Light Question correctly I give them an additional point.  At the end of the game, they can either choose to take the points they earned or go double-or-nothing on the video bonus question.

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