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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z             On-line Glossary

Acaulescent flowering stem with out leaves
achene a dry one-seeded fruit
acuminate tapering to a sharp point
acute pointed, but not as sharp as acuminate
alternate one side and then the other; not opposite or whorled
annual grows from seed, flowers, produces seeds, and dies in one year
anther upper portion of the stamen containing the pollen
apetalous without petals; sepals may or may not be present
apex tip
appendage any supplementary part
appressed flattened against or close
areoles specialized structures of cacti from which the spines and flowers develop
ascending curving upward in growth
auriculate with ear-like lobes
awn a bristle, as in the grasses
axil angle between the leaf and the stem
axillary borne in the axil
basal occurring at the base
beak a prolonged, narrow tip of a fruit or a seed
berry a fleshy fruit
biennial grows from seed to maturity and dies in two years
bifid two-parted
bipinnate twice pinnate
bipinnatifid two times pinnately cleft
bract leaf-like structure associated with a flower cluster
bulb underground storage structure composed of stem tip and fleshy leaves
bur fruit covered with spines
callosity a hardened, thick area
calyx collective term for the sepals
campanulate bell-shaped
capillary hair-like
capitate in a dense, head-like cluster
capsule a dry fruit that opens at maturity
catkin dangling flower cluster; a spike of unisexual flowers
caulescent with a leafy stem
cauline on the stem
chaparral dense, scrubby vegetation occurring in regions where most rainfall is between 12 and 25 insches.  Most precipitation occurs during winter; summer and fall are extremely dry and hot.
cilia short marginal hairs
ciliate with a row of fine hairs on the margin
ciliolate with very fine hairs on the margin
clasping base of leaf surrounds or partly surrounds the stem
clawed narrowed at the base
cleft indented to about the middle as in leaves
compound composed of more than one
compound leaf with two or more leaflets
connate united into a single structure
cordate heart-shaped
corolla collective term for the petals of a flower
crenate leaf margin with rounded teeth
crenulate leaf margin with small rounded teeth
crisped curled on the margins
cuneate wedge-shaped; often with an indentation at the tip
cyme flat topped flower cluster
deciduous falling at maturity or when function is performed
decumbent flat on ground with slightly raised tip
decurrent running down the stem
dentate sharply toothed
denticulate with fine teeth
dichotomous branching branching into two equal divisions
dicot (dicotyledons) have two cotyledons or seed leaves.  Flowers have 4, 5, or more petals, but rarely 6.  Dicots that have flowers with 6 petals have leaves that are not parallel veined.  Dicots leaves are "net-veined:.
digitate appearing finger-like
dioecious male and female flowers on different plants
discoid head composite head with only disk flowers
disk flower type of flower in the Compositae family
dissected cut up into smaller segments
divaricate widely branching or separated
emarginate with a notch at the apex
entire smooth margined
epidermis outer layer tissue
exfoliating peeling off
exserted protruding beyond, as stamens protruding beyond the corolla
fascicled clustered into a bunch
filiform very thin or fine
fimbriate with a fringed margin
fleshy thick and somewhat juicy
floccose with soft woolly tufts
foliate leaflets.  3-foliate=with 3 leaflets
fruit matured ovary of a flower; contains the seeds
funnelform funnel-shaped
glabrous without hairs
glandular with glands, usually sticky or gummy
glaucous whitened
globose spherical
habitat place in which the plant lives
hastate arrow-shaped, but with lobes pointing outward
head dense cluster of sessile flowers
herb stem not woods
herbaceous pertaining to an herb
herbage stem and leaves of the plant
hirsute with long hairs
hispid with stiff hairs
hoary covered with fine white hairs
hood with a curved structure at the top like a hood
host the plant upon which the parasite lives
hyaline clear or transparent
imbricate shingled or overlapping
incised sharply indented
inferior ovary ovary below the petals
inflorescence cluster of flowers
involucel a secondary involucre
involucral bracts bracts surrounding a flower cluster as in the composites
involucre bracts beneath a flower cluster, often forming a cup-like structure
irregular flower flower with bilateral symmetry rather than radial symmetry
keeled with a ridge down the center
laciniate deeply toothed
lanceolate several times longer than wide
leaflet one of the leaves of a compound leaf
legume fruit of the pea plant; usually splits into two valves at maturity
ligule ray flower of the Compositae family
limb spreading portion of a corolla
linear very narrow; long and thin
lobe rounded division of a leaf or petal
mealy with a whitish granular substance that can be rubbed off
merous suffix meaning with parts; for example, 4 merous, with 4 parts
monocot plants whose seeds have one cotyledon
mucronate with a short, abrupt tip
nerve a vein or rib
nettle-like with stinging hairs
nodding inclined
node the place on a stem where a leaf or branch arises
nut a fruit with a hard shell and a single seed
nutlet a small nut
oblanceolate lanceolate, but with widened portion at the tip
obovate ovate, with enlarged end near the petiole
obtuse not tapering to a narrow point or tip
opposite one on side of a node
orbicular round or circular
ovary swollen basal portion of the pistil
ovate about 1/2 times longer than broad
paleaceous composed of membranous scales
palmate finger-like; fanning out from a common point as in leaves
panicle a compound flower cluster
papilionaceous with a flower like that of a sweet pea
pappus scales or bristles at the top of the achene in Compositae
parasite deriving its nourishment from another, with ultimate harm to the host.  Many parasitic plants lack chlorophyll
parted divided to below the middle, as in a leaf
pedicel stem of a flower in a flower cluster
peduncle stem of a flower cluster
pendulous hanging down
perennial living for many years
perfoliate the stem surrounded by the leaf
perianth floral parts; calyx and corolla, collectively
petiolate with petioles
petiole stem at the base of a leaf
pilose with long spreading hairs
pinnate feather-like; arranged along each side of a common axis
pinnatifid divided into pinnate segments
pistil female portion of the flower; will mature into the fruit
pistillate female
plumose feathery; with fine hairs on each side
pod a dry fruit; usually elongate and legume-like
pollen male spores found in the anther of the stamen; a fine powdery substance
prickle a sharp pointed projection from the outer layer of the stem or leaf
procumbent trailing on the ground
prostrate lying flat on the ground
puberulent minutely pubescent
pubescent covered with soft, short hairs
pulverulent covered with a fine powdery or chalky like substance
raceme flower cluster; flowers pedicelled on either side of a main axis
radiate spreading out in a star-like fashion from a common center; with rays
ray flower a flower of the Compositae family
receptacle the portion of a plant which bears the flowers; the base of the flowers or flower
reflexed turned downward
regular with radial symmetry
reniform kidney-shaped
retrorse pointing backward
revolute rolled inward
rhizome horizontal underground stem
rib a ridge or vein
rosette rose-like cluster at the base
rotate wheel-shaped
rugose crinkled or wrinkled texture
sagittate arrow-shaped
salverform with a long thin tubular base and expanded upper part
samara winged fruit
scabrous rough or sandpapery to the touch
scape leafless flowering stem
scarious thin, membranous
scurfy covered with a whitish mealy or granular substance
segment portion or part, as of a divided leaf
sepal green, leafy portion of a flower; occurs beneath the petals
serrate toothed; teeth pointing forward
sessile without petioles or pedicels
setose covered with bristles
sheath base of leaf circling the stem, as in the grasses
shrub a woody plant; smaller than a tree
silique a narrow many seeded capsule
simple occurring singly, as a leaf; or without branching, as a stem
sinuate with a strongly wavy margin
solitary occurring singly
sordid dull or brownish
spathulate somewhat wedge-shaped
spike inflorescence of sessile flowers
spine a sharp pointed structure
spinescent spine tipped
spinose having spines
spreading growing outward from the main stem
spur slender extension of part of a structure, such as a petal in larkspur
squarrose with recurving tips
stamen the male portion of the flower; contains the pollen
staminate male; with stames, but no pistils
stellate star-like; radiating from a central point
sterile without male or female organs
stipules small leaf-like structures occasionally found at the base of the petiole
strigose covered with straight, flat-lying hairs
style upper narrow neck of the pistil; below the stigma and above the ovary
subhirsute hairs slightly rigid or stiff
subsessile with very short petioles or pedicels
succulent thick and fleshy; juicy
superior above; superior ovary is when the ovary is placed above the petals and sepals
symmetrical divisible into two or more equal parts
tendril spiral or corkscrew structure arising from the stem; enables climbing
terete cylindrical
thorn a sharp-pointed structure; a modified branch
throat expanded portion of flower between tube and limb
tomentose woolly
tooth a small, marginal lobe; may be rounded or pointed
trichotomous branching branching into three's
trifoliate with 3 leaflets
tripinnate three times pinnate
truncate blunt tipped, appearing chopped off
tube narrow portion at the base of the flower
turbinate top-shaped
two-lipped irregular flower with an upper and lower lobe
umbel flower cluster in which pedicelled flowers rise from a single point
undulate wavy
unisexual flower flower with stamens or pistil but not both
vein ridge in a leaf which carries the conducting tissue
venation referring to the arrangement of the veins
villous with many soft hairs
virgate straight and erect
viscid sticky
whorl more than two parts radiating out from a point
winged with a thin papery extension
woolly with a mat of soft tangled hairs

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Website by Duncan Wilson

Page last updated January 07, 2012

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